Selasa, 27 Oktober 2015

Customizing Medical Alerts in Dentrix G6

Using Dentrix, you can assign medical alerts to patients. Medical alerts serve to remind you of any medical conditions your patients may hav...
Selasa, 20 Oktober 2015

Dealing with Interruptions When Using the Batch Insurance Payment Entry

In a previous post we outlined the process for entering a batch insurance payment.  But did you know that you can "pause" in the m...
Selasa, 13 Oktober 2015

Setting the Recommended Treatment Plan Case

When you create treatment plan cases for patients, at times you may give the patients treatment alternatives (where they could have either a...
Selasa, 06 Oktober 2015

Understanding How the Fee Schedule is Used in Dentrix

The Fee Schedule is the basis of the insurance estimate calculation. Patients can be assigned a fee schedule in one of three ways: By provid...